Section: Software


Participants : Joachim Niehren [correspondant] , Denis Debarbieux, Tom Sebastian.

Software Self-Assessment: A-3, SO-4, SM-3, EM-3, SDL-4

The FXP language is a temporal logic for a fragment of Forward XPath that is suitable for querying XML streams. The FXP library of the Mostrare project of Inria Lille provides rewriting tool that removes backward axis, a compiler of the FXP library to nested word automata and an efficient query answering algorithm for nested word automata on XML streams.

FXP is developed in the Inria transfer project QuiXProc in cooperation with Innovimax. Both a professional and a free version are available. The owner is Inria. A new release was published in October 2012.

See also the web page http://fxp.lille.inria.fr/ .

  • Version: FXP v1.1.0